Friday, March 13, 2009

A New Do!

A new do!
A girl's gotta look good, even through chemo, right? Randi, Taylor, Tyrel and Braden took me to a small shop and helped me pick out a wig or two yesterday while I was feeling up to it... how can I ever thank them for standing by me like this? I admit I had a few tears, so, they'd allow me a minute, then back to the laughter and fun of trying on wigs. Girls, now don't be jealous that I can be blonde one day and a brunette the next! You may just see me as a brunette down the road. Why not? ('Cause there's no way I can be as cute as my sweet husband and wear his "do" like he does!)

Today's a bit different... it's a little after noon and a cold, rainy day. A good day to stay inside and that's what I've done. Very tired, a bit nauseated and needing to rest. I'm praying to the Lord today as I wake between naps to please, please make my body respond to this treatment and have minimal side-effects. Thank you to all who are praying these prayers with me... I should feel better in a few days.

God continues to pour blessings on me in having my family here and right by my side! He also is listening to you on my behalf, so keep praying whatever is on your heart for me! I know He'll answer for my good and I know His faithfulness!

Love and blessings!


  1. I definitely like the new "do" - and I will be jealous about you always having a good hair day no matter what the weather! I am praying for you & Mike every day. Love you, Sara

  2. Love, love, love the new do! You look beautiful as always. I can't imagine how hard this is on all of you but just want you to know that you remain on my heart constantly and in my prayers from morning until night. Every time I think of you I can hardly keep the tears from flowing. Thank you for the specific prayer requests. I will definitely be praying those for you. So proud of you, your courage and faithfulness and just so thankful for you.
    Quick funny story for you. The other night I had a dream and you and Mike were in it. Don't really remember anything about it besides the fact that Mike seemed different. I thought about it for awhile and realized what it was. In my dream he had a full head of dark brown hair! Hilarious! Love you guys so much and praying hard for you.

  3. Love the new do! It is way cute! I can't wait to see you as a brunette, too. I've often thought it would be fun to change cuts/colors on a whim. Why not, indeed. I'm praying the exact prayer you have requested. I've been praying that prayer also for Kyle for the last two years of remicade treatments. I know it's different, but side effects can really freak you out if you let them! I know your focus is on the Lord's faithfuless, & not the waves of the storm! You are walking on water, girl! I'm proud of & inspired by you! Love you much! Kathy Pinson

  4. Love the do! I think you should be a redhead too! At least have some fun through the trial! Dale heard two women on the radio earlier this week who had been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer several years ago and have been clear for at least five years. It CAN be done and YOU WILL BEAT THIS! I think of you constantly and pray for you often. I love you! Lynette

  5. That's a great cut on you!

    My Mimi wears wigs on occasion. She started years ago when they lived in South America. She didn't want to get perms down there so she started wearing wigs. I have always thought "what a great idea"! It's like "instant style" and you can change if you want! It's greatness!
    I can't wait to see you brunette!!!

    Many Hugs!!!
