Friday, March 13, 2009

It Cannot Go Without Saying!

This cannot go without saying... thank you! Thank you for sending your thoughtful emails and cards with scriptures of encouragment and strength, and prayers to our Lord! Thank you for the links to songs that fill my heart & thank you for the texts that encourage and remind me to stand strong! Thank you for praying through the day and night. Thank you for asking others to pray! Thank you for being ready to help with the tasks of life. Thank you for the CD's and gifts tied to scriptures that remind you of me, ones that have given you strength and hope in your own past journeys! I stay humbled at the Lord for giving me so much in you. Your generosity of thought and spirit is overwhelming! The deep love & faith you show for the Lord is rock-solid and will not be moved!
The Lord be praised with the sheer, bold love you're showing my family and me! The Lord receives all the glory for the "guts" you display as you stand with us! Our Lord is soverign and deserves all praise and glory and honor- all of me- all of us! The community of believers world-wide is strong and deep and powerful! I praise Him and thank Him- and I can't go without saying it!

1 comment:

  1. Sharon
    I'm just now finding the way to your blog. Although we aren't close friends...we speak at church and I always know you'll have your beautiful smile on your face when we do speak. I appreciate the opportunity and thank God that you give us the chance to take this journey with you..albeit through your words and not physically being there. God has mighty plans for you, girlfriend, and you are in my prayers. BTW...I think "red" should also be a consideration for future hair colors...Love, Linda Steele
